
  • Persahabatan winning369.win

    Tinggal di New York, dikelilingi oleh orang-orang luar biasa, terkadang mudah untuk melupakan betapa luar biasanya banyak teman saya. Lalu ada hari-hari seperti hari ini, ketika bakat luar biasa mereka tidak mungkin diabaikan.

    Malam ini, jam 6 sore, saya akan menghadiri pemutaran perdana dunia “Walker Payne” di Festival Film Tribeca, sebuah film yang ditulis bersama oleh seorang teman baik yang dengannya saya minum bir hampir setiap hari Jumat selama 10 tahun terakhir. Film ini menampilkan beberapa aktor Hollywood terkenal dan, mungkin, sebagian difilmkan di kota tempat orang tua dan saudara laki-laki saya sekarang tinggal — Rock Hill, Carolina Selatan.

    Saya bangga dengan teman-teman saya dan saya senang mendukung upaya kreatif mereka dalam segala bentuk. Bahkan lebih memuaskan melihat teman-teman saya berhasil di winning369 mereka yang menang dan dihargai atas keterampilan, waktu, dan dedikasi yang diberikan kepada mereka. Sangat jarang hal itu terjadi di dunia ini, dan ketika itu terjadi dengan cara yang terlihat, kita harus memastikan untuk meluangkan waktu untuk mengenalinya.

    Malam ini, setelah pemutaran perdana, saya 100% yakin bahwa kita akan minum. Itu yang telah kami lakukan selama 10 tahun terakhir dan saya pikir kami cukup baik dalam hal itu. Kami sudah melakukannya cukup lama untuk membuat aturan kami sendiri untuk bar rumah kami. Sementara itu adalah pedoman umum yang baik untuk hidup, itu juga merupakan aturan yang dibuat dari persahabatan dan saat-saat yang menyenangkan.

    Jadi sebagai penutup, saya memberi Anda Aturan Tabel 8, disempurnakan setelah 10 tahun perlindungan di mana Alex dan saya, dan kru kami lainnya, sering di luar kendali. Ketika kami di sekolah, pelanggaran salah satu aturan ini dihukum dengan denda 25 sen, yang ditambahkan ke tip. Setelah kita semua lulus ke “dunia nyata”, denda ditingkatkan menjadi $1 per pelanggaran.

    Aturan Tabel 8

    1. Tidak ada yang mengejek Rumah Ale.

    2. Tidak ada yang mengejek staf.

    3. Mengejek musik yang Anda inginkan – itu menyebalkan.

    4. Jangan pernah menyebut nama mantan pacar. Anda seharusnya tidak membicarakan mantan Anda.

    5. Penggunaan “tanda kutip jari”, “tanda kurung tangan”, “koma ibu jari” atau jenis tanda baca tubuh lainnya tidak diperbolehkan karena merupakan uber geigh.

    6. Jangan bicara tentang berapa banyak uang yang Anda hasilkan (aturan ini ditetapkan karena, minggu demi minggu, Alex sering berkata, “Saya menghasilkan $8.000 setahun!”).

    7. Pembuatan otot tidak diperbolehkan. Sam.

    8. Melepas baju Anda tidak diperbolehkan.

    9. Aturan baru hanya dapat diterapkan jika disetujui oleh setidaknya 3 “O.G.” anggota Tabel 8.

    10. Untuk menjadi O.G., Anda harus berada di sini pada tahun 1996.

    Fakta atau Fiksi?

    Konten poker segera hadir. Sementara itu, beberapa hal yang mungkin atau mungkin tidak terjadi di premier dan afterparty “Walker Payne” tadi malam (terserah Anda untuk memutuskan apa yang benar):

    * Di Tanya Jawab; segera setelah pemutaran film, Jason Patric memberi tahu seorang penonton bahwa dia harus menjalani terapi.

    * Saya menawarkan teman taruhan prop $50 di afterparty untuk memberitahu Jason Patric dia kontol dengan cara yang paling keras, paling menjengkelkan mungkin. Teman saya diterima dan berhasil sebelum dikawal dari tempat itu oleh seorang pria kulit hitam besar bernama Barry.

    * Saya menerima taruhan prop untuk menenggak tonik vodka seharga $10. Aku gagal.

    * Saya main mata dengan Amy Adams tanpa menyadari bahwa dia adalah aktor nominasi Oscar. [Ed. catatan: siapa pun yang mengingat cerita Phil Gordon saya dari Vegas Desember lalu dapat langsung berasumsi bahwa cerita ini benar. Dawn Summers, Anda bisa berhenti menggelengkan kepala karena kecewa sekarang. Apa? Bagaimana saya bisa tahu?]

    * Amy Adams memperkenalkan saya kepada KaDee Strickland, yang benar-benar mengempiskan ego saya dengan menyebutkan betapa saya mengingatkannya pada saudara laki-lakinya yang berusia 22 tahun.

    * Saya menawarkan seorang teman taruhan prop sebesar $50 untuk memberi tahu KaDee Strickland bahwa dia brengsek dengan cara yang paling keras dan paling menjengkelkan. Dia menolak taruhan, menyatakan bahwa istrinya tidak akan sangat senang jika dia mengeluarkan mereka dari afterparty.

  • Adegan Dari Hidupku winning369.win

    Saat ini, weather.com memberitahu saya bahwa itu 63 derajat di Brooklyn. 63 derajat, tepat setelah tengah malam, dengan angin sepoi-sepoi bertiup dari pelabuhan. Angin sepoi-sepoi cukup sejuk untuk mendinginkan kulit saya tanpa membuat saya kedinginan saat saya duduk di beranda dengan kemeja lengan pendek sambil meminum Abita Beer Fleur-de-lis Restoration Ale, bir kesekian saya hari ini (saya kehilangan arah). Tidak ada keraguan sama sekali bahwa ini adalah salah satu malam di Brooklyn. Salah satu malam Brooklyn yang sempurna menutup hari Brooklyn yang sempurna.

    Hari dimulai dengan sinar matahari 70 derajat dan bersepeda menjelajahi masa lalu maritim Brooklyn. Dari rumah saya, saya berangkat ke selatan ke Red Hook, sebuah kemenangan winning369 yang sarat dengan industri, dermaga, dan gudang yang hampir terputus dari Brooklyn-Queens Expressway lainnya. Red Hook adalah “Brooklyn tua”, dalam arti bahwa itu cukup jauh dari transportasi yang yuppies seperti saya belum menyerbu untuk gentrify lingkungan. Peradaban paling pasti hadir di sana, tetapi Red Hook tidak kehilangan tepi New York yang telah menghilang, katakanlah, sebagian besar Manhattan. Red Hook adalah, dalam setiap arti frasa, lingkungan penggunaan campuran.

    Dari sana, saya membalikkan arah (meskipun tidak di BQE seperti yang Anda yakini oleh Google Maps) ke Brooklyn Navy Yards, dengan putaran cepat oleh Rumah Komandan Brooklyn Navy Yards, sekarang menjadi rumah pribadi dari jenis yang hampir tak terduga di kota ini. Rumah besar itu digambarkan dengan cukup baik oleh seorang reporter New York Times pada tahun 2003:

    Rumah besar ini, awalnya rumah komandan Brooklyn Navy Yard, telah diubah menjadi kediaman pribadi, sebagian besar tersembunyi di balik tembok bata tinggi yang dilapisi tanaman ivy. Jalan masuk mansion, di luar jalan buntu Evans Street, terlihat melalui gerbang besi tempa yang penuh hiasan. Sebuah Bentley antik dan mobil tua lainnya diparkir di jalan masuk.

    Rumah itu sendiri berdinding papan putih bergaya Federal, dengan atap miring dan rumah kaca besar; itu adalah rumah komandan dari tahun 1806 hingga 1966, dan dinyatakan sebagai landmark kota dan negara bagian pada tahun 60-an. Terlepas dari pengasingan rumah, itu memberikan udara agung, seolah-olah itu adalah rumah tepi laut Newport yang jatuh secara misterius dari langit.

    Sebuah rumah tepi laut Newport di Brooklyn. Siapa yang tahu?                        

    Sesampainya di rumah, saya segera mandi dan bercukur sebelum berjalan kaki kembali ke Red Hook untuk pesta ulang tahun seorang teman, di Red Hook Bait & Tackle Club, sebuah bar bertema bahari. Ada banyak dari kita. Kami tinggal, kami minum, kami makan beberapa pai jeruk nipis terbaik yang akan Anda tangkap di utara Florida Keys. Kita semua menyesali kurangnya taman untuk minum di luar ruangan, sebelum pindah ke bar di sebelahnya, yah, MEMILIKI taman untuk minum di luar ruangan. Menit berlalu menjadi jam dan meskipun saya tidak pernah lupa saya berada di Brooklyn, mudah untuk percaya bahwa saya bisa berada di LA.

    Angin mulai bertiup dari pelabuhan sekitar pukul 5 sore, tepat saat Queen Mary 2 berangkat dari terminal kapal pesiar Red Hook ke pelabuhan yang tidak diketahui. Akhirnya, beberapa di pesta kami memutuskan makanan adalah pilihan yang baik, jadi kami naik bus B61 (tidak ada kereta bawah tanah di Red Hook, Anda tahu) untuk Cobble Hill-gaya “Pacifico”, sebuah gabungan Meksiko yang bertempat di sebuah bangunan yang terlihat seperti itu telah berdiri di sana selama 200 tahun terakhir. Makanan Meksiko yang lezat dan sebotol margarita kuat dikonsumsi. Dengan teman-teman yang baik, perut yang kenyang dan dengungan yang menyenangkan, hidup tampak sangat menyenangkan, dan sekali lagi pikiran saya mengembara ke LA.

    Warga New York Brooklyn berhubungan dengan kota mereka dengan cara yang tidak akan pernah dilakukan Angelenos. Saya memberi tahu seseorang yang saya temui di pesta ulang tahun bahwa tidak ada yang pindah ke New York untuk pindah ke Brooklyn; Anda pindah ke New York untuk pindah ke Manhattan. Kecuali jika Anda dibesarkan di sini, hanya setelah Anda menyerap Manhattan untuk sementara waktu dan mulai merasakan “kota” Anda menyadari bahwa ada bagian lain dari New York City dan, pada kenyataannya, Brooklyn sangat buruk luar biasa. Sebagai seseorang dengan desain untuk akhirnya kembali ke Los Angeles, kesadaran ini memberi saya jeda. Saya selalu yakin bahwa jalan saya terletak kembali ke hari-hari SoCal 70 derajat yang ringan itu, kembali ke jalan-jalan di sepanjang trotoar Venesia dengan angin sejuk bertiup di Teluk Santa Monica, kembali ke malam-malam yang dihabiskan dengan membuang bir di bawah kenyamanan lampu penghangat di taman yang terhubung ke bagian belakang lounge LA Barat. Namun, setelah Brooklyn siang dan malam seperti hari ini, saya bertanya-tanya apakah pindah kembali ke City of Angels tepat untuk saya. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa sebagian dari diri saya menginginkan perubahan — 12 tahun di tempat yang sama akan melakukannya untuk Anda — tetapi bagian lain dari diri saya hidup untuk fakta bahwa kota ini memiliki tulang, dan tulang-tulang itu bernyanyi untuk saya dengan cara yang gloss dan veneer California Selatan tidak akan pernah.

    Siapa tahu. Saya tidak pernah menjadi orang yang dingin, dan bahkan sekarang saya sedang menyusuri jalan setapak yang mengarah kembali ke Santa Monica dengan kecepatan penuh. Kemungkinan saya kembali ke California Selatan cukup tinggi. Namun, saya pasti mulai bertanya-tanya apakah meninggalkan apa yang saya miliki di sini adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk saya.

  • is playing slot onlain online legal?

    By Texas law, probably not, since you’d be engaging in betting activity in which someone (the online cardroom) is receiving economic benefit. Therefore playing online slot onlain in the state of Texas in a raked online cardroom is probably illegal.

    On the plus side, I’ve never heard of a case in Texas of anyone getting busted for playing poker online. There have been a few cases in other states of online sports bettors and poker players getting prosecuted.

    It’s unlikely that federal law covers internet poker; CardPlayer writers Allyn Jaffrey and I. Nelson Rose have written many articles covering the topic; the most up-to-date is Rose’s article “Is it a Crime to Play Poker Online?”

    That’s about all the information I have. I hope this is informative to people who want to learn more about the Texas laws with respect to poker. If you have any comments or additions, please email me. See the left sidebar for a link to my email.

    2003 wsop final table

    Chris Halverson has posted the entire (454 MB) final episode of the 2003 World Series of Poker broadcast on his site!

    bellagio offering 1-2 no limit

    The Bellagio is now spreading $100 buyin 1-2 no-limit hold’em! I love playing this cash game during the WSOP at Binion’s. It’ll be interesting to see if the game at the Bellagio will prove to be sustainable year-round. It’s generally rare to find a sustainable no-limit or pot-limit game in US casinos, including Vegas, because the games tend to be quickly overpopulated with sharks who are adept at very quickly relieving the poorer players of their money. With the influx of no-limit players thanks to televised poker, though, it could prove to be a sustainable game.

    austin poker meetup

    Tomorrow night is the next local Austin Poker Meetup. I haven’t been for several months, but I’ll be there tomorrow. Last I wrote about it was in August last year, when the membership had gone from 10 or 20 to about 87 people in a few weeks. Well, since then the Austin membership has gone from 87 to 251, making Austin the third largest poker meetup group in the US!

    If you are in any city in the US and looking for games or players for your game, meetup.com seems to really have slot online gathered steam in many cities so it’s probably worth checking out. The meetups I’ve been to have consisted of a pretty wide slice of people, all interested in playing poker.

    Update 2/17/04: the Austin meetup grew to 257 members in the last day, surpassing Houston to become the second largest meetup group in the US!

    Update 2/18/04: The Austin meetup had about 15-20 people show up, which is the best poker meetup turnout I’ve seen so far. 12 of those people wanted to play enough to sign up for my e-mail list, and 2 of them wanted to play enough that they came to my place to join my game straight after the meetup. Another successful meetup.

  • Surefire Tips to Winning slot online

    The principle of the method is that a card deck with tens and aces is likely to bust the dealer; thus, the deck of cards is in favor to the player. However, on the other hand, a card deck with small numbers is in favor to the dealer. So how does the method of card counting come in?

    First, the player should keep track of all the cards which were already played to be able to gauge how rich or how lacking the deck of cards is. The player then assigns a value of point to every card played. He or she needs to do some computation. A card counter slot gacor does this. The main point is that a plus point is given to a card if it is favorable, and a minus point to a less favorable one. Thus, high cards are assigned minus one (-1) point while low cards are given plus one (+1). Those in cards in between are given zero (0). The card counter then keeps track of all cards played and designates either adding or subtracting points to each and updates the total from time to time. The total process is called ‘running count’.

    Another term a player may encounter is the ‘true count’. This is obtained after the card counter divides the running count with the proportion of the card deck size remaining. This then determines the richness or lack in the deck of card.

    Also, the counter should check the up card of the dealer. This is to weigh his options and determine if he will bet the maximum or not. The point is that a positive count is of course very good, and a high positive count is always the best. So, cards two to six is given a point value of plus one while cards ten to ace is given a point value of minus one; in between cards are assigned the value of zero. If your count is positive and high, then the deck of cards is in favor of you. With this, the dealer may hit and hit to reach 17 or may get busted. If you can determine that your count is high and the remaining cards are low, bet as high as you can.

    Who is the card counter? Of course, it is you, the player. As a card counter, you need to have a very good memory bank and fast reaction so that you can count and compute while playing. This may seem hard but once you get used to it, you will get rewarded for sure.

    You may practice slot online with the computer. There are available computer simulators these days. With these simulators, you get corrected if you have made a mistake. These simulators may be programmed with popular systems. These also can keep track of long term wins which you may adopt and apply in your blackjack games. Also, there are many books about counting. Practice your running count with any number you see. For example, you saw a jersey with the number 17. Think quickly: Count is +1 because 1 equals +1 and 7 equals 0.

    When playing, limit your money and time. Quit once you reached your limit. Do not waste all your money over a game.

  • new judi slot club at uci

    The University of California at Irvine now has a judi slot club! They are having their first meeting on Wednesday night, and already have a tournament scheduled. They’re following the payout model that has worked at other college campuses, with a zero entry fee, and a sponsorship from pokerroom.com for $2,000 in cash prizes.

    casino windsor shut down

    Casino Windsor in Ontario shut down Friday after a work dispute resulted in a worker strike. It has not yet re-opened.

    Keith Andrews is a spokesman for Casino Windsor. He says it will remain closed until an agreement is reached and then ratified by the employees. Negotiations in the dispute broke off Last Sunday. No new talks are planned.

    review of howard lederer’s poker video

    If you watch the World Poker Tour, you no doubt have see the ads for Howard Lederer’s poker video. “Heaven C” has judi slot posted a review of it over at LiveJournal. I’m not crazy about educational videos, mainly because I think books are usually a much better value, but he has some good things to say about the video.

    on a brief hiatus

    As you may have noticed, things have been unprecedentedly quiet here. The day I got back from the WSOP, my company got acquired, and there’s been a lot of activity on the work and home front which has necessitated me paring back side projects, including loveandcasinowar.com.

    But fear not, I have not abandoned you, I just have had to spend very little time doing poker-related things… and all this during the biggest tournament in poker history!

    Things are getting back to normal and expect to see a resumption of content in the near future.

    As an aside, lcw has been going on for almost 18 months without ever having a break this long 🙂

    i’m back

    I’m back from Vegas, where I played in the WSOP 7 stud 8-or-better event on Saturday. Brief trip report coming soon. Short synopsis: didn’t win the world series event, did well in the 2-4 NL game, did OK in the 15-30 limit game, table games are evil.

    tilt is in the pipe

    ESPN has announced its new gambling TV show, “Tilt”. As previously mentioned here, Brian Koppelman of Rounders was developing a series with ESPN. It was originally pitched to be about college gambling, but the series that made it is about the World Series of Poker!

    The dramatic series will air on Thursday nights beginning Jan. 13 (9 ET), with one-hour shows that will explore the drama of high-stakes gambling, as well as the action away from the table where greed and revenge fuel conflict, power plays and deal making.

  • sanghoki blogging != online sanghoki

    I really enjoy reading sanghoki blogs. I mean REALLY enjoy reading them. So much so that at times I am so mesmerized by them that I lose my hearing and don’t notice my kids screaming and I get in trouble with the BOSS (my wife).

    I tell her that I am reading something and I will be there in a minute and when she finds out it is about sanghoki then I sanghoki get my kneecaps cracked. Oh well, such is the life of a wannabe poker pro (just so you know I am far from being one). Fact is that my wife actually doesn’t mind me playing poker. but that is another post. I can’t ruin all the subjects that I want to talk about yet…

    Keep in mind I have an 18 month old little girl and a 7 week old son. They are my little terrorists that go jihad on my wife and I every day at my house.

    Wanna see some suicide bombers in real life that don’t actually die in their suicide bombing runs?? Just come to my house! Enough about that…

    Some of my favorite blogs are the sanghoki and FTrain. They are always the ones that I visit first (not that all of the others are bad) because I cut my teeth on these blogs when I got to reading all the poker blogging online.

    I noticed PokerProf posted a comment here recently and how he knew so quickly about my blog I will never know (unless he links me up and tells me).

    Note to PokerProf: I don’t know if you remember me but we got into an email conversation about online poker being evil after I posted to your blog and you said I should start a blog. Anyways… I am sure that clears/muddies the water up for ya huh???

    Okay… enough with the rambling. Back on topic!

    To get you up to speed, while I have played live poker in home games and in Tunica casinos a good bit, I only played poker online for a total of about 3 months about 6 months ago. I would play about 3 to 4 nights a week (once my little girl and wife went to bed) for about 2 to 4 hours. I played single and multi-table SNG’s at PokerStars($10,$20,$30 buyins) and small stakes ($1/$2 and $2/$4) ring games. I deposited $100 and when I finally decided to “hang up the jersey” I cashed out about $400 for a profit of $300. I bet you are asking yourself why in the hell after making an average profit of $100 a month did you quit playing?? Because online poker reeks of collusion and unfair gaming practices which I will go into in future posts…

    That is why I am here to say that I bet I am probably the only poker blogger online that chooses not to play online AT ALL. Now I would be willing to play in some sort of blogger tournament that I have read about but will never make a habit of playing consistently beyond trying to win a seat into the WSOP or something.

    I have yet to read a poker blogger that doesn’t play online somewhat. Why is this??

    What is it about poker blogging that essentially locks you into playing online as well?? Is it the simple fact that if you’re a blogger you are somewhat knowledgeable about the internet and how it works so you are more inclined to participate in an online poker room?? I just don’t know… Help me wrap my head around that one…

    Essentially my poker life revolves around playing in home games and tournaments that I kinda sorta started and continue to direct with a group of guys and by making an occassional trip to Tunica.

    Visit the site at http://www.huntsvegaspoker.com

    If you ever want to come play with us please drop me a line at huntsvegas@gmail.com

    On a side note: I am going to make a run at the Binion’s World Poker Open this upcoming January if any of you out there want to join me. I haven’t got all the details yet but I think they run satellites for the main event ($60 jobs) during the weeks leading up to the tournament. So I will be there for some of those…

    I essentially get all of my poker from live games and reading. That’s it…

    But I am challenging the rest of the poker bloggers out there with the following…


  • game slot penghasil uang Blogger Tournament Series Leader Board Widget

    game slot penghasil uang is pleased to offer poker bloggers participating in the Bodog Blogger Tournament a leader board widget for their blog sites that shows the top 10 tournament point leaders as they change weekly on the tournament leader board. The widget comes with or without a border.Posting the leader board widget on your blog site is easy. Here is the code that allows you to place the widget directly on your blog.

    Tournament Series Final Table April 8th 2008

    Last night, bloggers sat down at the tables to continue the battle for the once in a lifetime WSOP * victory prize package Bodog is offering to poker bloggers world wide. A big welcome to the players who joined us from Japan.

    Final Table Players and Payouts

    1. WhatsTheNuts – $176.00 + T$109

    2. BuddyDank – $105.60 + T$109

    3. emptyman – $70.40 + T$109

    4. cbags – $52.80 + T$109

    5. Taddy – $35.20 + T$109

    It was anybody’s game heading into the final table, but the final hand came down to an intense showdown between BuddyDank and WhatsTheNuts, where WhatsTheNuts took the victory, game slot penghasil uang langsung ke rekening but not without a fight. WhatsTheNuts sat with a 2-1 chip advantage on BuddyDank and then raised 20K PF from the button. BuddyDank then jammed all-in with a K9o. Apparently K9o is not the nuts?

    Are you a Bodog Blogger? Share your comments below!

    Poker Hand Rankings and Odds at Bodog Poker

    Hand rankings at Bodog Poker follow the standard method of any poker card game.

    What Hand Beats What?

    Know when to hold ’em and fold ’em.

    For those of you who need a refresher, poker hands are ranked from the Royal Flush (highest) to the High Card (lowest) and are usually consistent in variations of online poker.

    What are the odds of being dealt a particular hand in poker?

    There are 2,598,960 different possible hands one can be dealt in the the game of poker.

    To determine your poker strategy and to evaluate your chances at winning, it is good to know the odds for possible hands.

    Odds for possible poker hands using a 52 card deck

    Royal Flush – 1 in 649,740

    Straight Flush – 1 in 72,193

    Four of a Kind – 1 in 4,165

    Full House – 1 in 694

    Flush – 1 in 509

    Straight – 1 in 255

    Three of a Kind – 1 in 47

    Two Pair – 1 in 21

    One Pair – 1 in 2

    High Card – 1 in 2

  • Benefits of Joining a Discord Server

    Discord servers can be extremely valuable places for gamers, content creators, and general communities to interact with each other. There are many different types of Discord servers out there, each with its own purpose and focus. A Discord server is a text and voice chat platform that allows gamers, content creators, and general communities to interact with each other. They offer a variety of features that can be useful for both social and professional purposes. Here are some of the benefits of joining a Discord server:

    1. Connect with Like-minded People: Discord servers are a great way to connect with like-minded people. If you’re looking for a specific type of community, you’re likely to find a Discord server that meets your needs. For example, if you’re a gamer, you can join a gaming-related Discord server. Or, if you’re interested in a particular topic, you can join a server dedicated to that topic.

    2. Chat in Real-time: Discord servers offer real-time chat capabilities. This means you can have a conversation with other members of the server in real-time. This can be useful for getting quick answers to questions or for having a more casual conversation.

    3. Access to Exclusive Content: Many Discord servers offer exclusive content that you can’t access anywhere else. This content may include things like exclusive channels, emotes, and more. This can be a great way to get access to content that you’re interested in.

    4. Participate in Server Events: Many Discord servers offer events that you can participate in. These events may include things like game nights, movie nights, and more. This can be a great way to socialize with other members of the server.

    5. Get Support from the Community: Discord servers can offer a great deal of support. If you’re feeling down, or you need help with something, you can often find support from other members of the server. This can be a great way to feel connected to a community.

    What are some things to look for in a Discord server?

    When joining a Discord server, there are a few things to keep in mind.

    • Make sure that the server is active. An active server will have a lot of members and will be regularly used.
    • Ensure that the server has a good community. A good community will be friendly and welcoming to new members. It will also have a set of rules that all members are expected to follow.
    • The server has to be moderated. A moderated server will have moderators who delete or mute messages that break the rules. This helps to keep the server clean and safe for all members.
    • Server needs to be organized. A well-organized server will have channels that are used for different purposes. For example, a server for a video game might have a channel for general discussion, one for game news and updates, and another for finding teammates for online multiplayer matches.
    • Finally, make sure that the server is secure. A secure server will have an SSL certificate and will use HTTPS. This helps to keep your information safe and secure.
  • Ode to the Slot Demo Queen of Clubs…

    Tonight I went over to a friend of a friend’s place in Virginia (a 10 minute drive from my home in NW DC), and took in a little home game action. Now this isn’t any old home game — this is a home game on steroids. Decent chips, and enough of them that eveyrone has a nice looking stack in front of them, even if they’re low dollar wise. Felt covered tables. Cards from the Mirage. Two televisions hooked up to separate cable feeds. And Slot Demo plenty of players AND money. What’s not to love? They’re starting to take very modest bad beat drops, partially at my suggestion. Completely worth it, believe me.

    Its worth noting that last time I played this game — the first time I did so — I walked out with an $80 profit just before going to Vegas. I caught huge cards that night, and was afraid I might not be invited back. Well, they were very cool about it… not even a whiff of resentment. Good people, and sensible card players.

    For the second time, the game had two tables running for at least 5 hours. Most of the time we were 6 or 7 handed, Slot Demo though later on we were 5 handed at each table. Game was No Limit Hold ‘Em, with a capped $20 buy-in, and unlimited re-buys/replinishments. I think about 16 players or so cycled through the game throughout the night, and all told about $475 or so was in play. I finished with nearly a quarter of it.

    Players were competent for the most part, the host being one of the better players in the room. Most players in the game have some B&M experience, and about 1/4 play online to varying degrees. Nobody in the game (to my knowledge) sees anywhere near as many hands per week as I do, online or otherwise. Two or three guys were clearly less skilled than others, drinking more heavily and treating the game as a social affair. Fine with me. I genuinely feared the play of only one or two people in the game, and even these two were not unbeatable by any means. One guy, who I’ll discuss later, really made playing worthwhile, as he was either very drunk or careless.

    Hands worth mentioning: lost a large pot for about 1/2 my stack early when I turned two pair aces and sevens in a pot I raised to 2x the BB. The SB called flop (AKx) and turn, and checked the river (??), which I checked as well, to see her AKs. This kind of play was the extreme exception, and not the rule, and I bought an additional $10 in chips to keep my stack healthy. Pick up a few pots, including one with AA, and I’m near even when I get highcarded over to the other table as part of the regular rotation. This was a welcome change, as my table was stronger skill-wise.

    Second table, 7 handed, and I switch gears from frequently raising PF to frequently limping with straight or flush cards (e.g 6d5h, 7s9s, etc.). This pays off when I make a few draws, and steal a few pots, moving me back just above even on the night. I also caught a few big starters here, and that helped keep people off my back when I did limp in. I get highcarded back to the other table an hour later, where its 6 handed and a little looser than before. Play stumbles along for a little while as people are distracted with WSOP coverage, etc., and I fold 90% of my hands for about an hour, hovering around even. Finally, my table breaks around midnight, and we consolidate to one 7 handed table.

    The final table made my night. I stayed despite the late(r) hour because I had a decent stack, and believed the game was still good. That I was having a decent time sure played into it too. I made another limp-draw with 7cTc for a straight, and I was up to about $35. Then, the wild man came to play (the one I mentioned above). This guy was perfectly likeable, relatively soft spoken, but man did he have a propensity to gamboool. Of course, I didn’t know this when he sat, but I figured it out quickly.

    UTG I pick up AsKs, make it $1.25 to go (2.5x the BB) and see a raise two seats to my left by Gambooler, then two cold callers. I call, and the flop comes down KcQh8s. I lead out for $2, figuring I’ll call a medium raise, and potentially re-raise a small raise. Gambooler raises to $4, one caller in LP, and I ask him some dumb question about having AA or KK or something. He doesn’t give me any feedback of use. Turn comes Ad, giving me top two. Having no read on Gambooler, I have to worry about AA and KK, given his PF action and flop raise. I decide I want to show my hand down more or less no matter what, and bet $3 hoping to get my money in either right away or on 5th against a raise from Gambool. He makes it $6, LP folds, and I call with the intention of moving in next card, which is the beautiful Kh. Only AA can beat me now, and I don’t think he has it. I check, he bets, I raise all in, and he calls. I table my boat, and he mucks… got his whole stack the first hand.

    So what does a gambooler do when he busts right away? He re-buys. Two hands later, I pick up Jd8d in the BB, and call a one-BB raise to see the flop, which is 5dKhKd. The pair of kings concerns me, but I don’t see anyone as a probable holder of K5. I value bet $1, which gets plenty of callers. Turn is a blank, maybe an offsuit 7, and I bet a measely quarter, hoping the passivity caused by the board KK would keep raises at bay… I wanted to see 5th street, and on the cheap. Called around again, and the river rolls off some random diamond, maybe the 3 or the 8. I bet $3, and to my surprise, Gambooler moves all in over the top. I’m not sure if my Jack flush is best or not, but figure I’m calling him with his money, so why not. I table my hand, he turns over 9d7s and says “flush,” but clearly misread the board, or was too drunk to notice. I take down the large pot, and bust him for the second time.

  • The Growth of Women in Sihoki Slot

    Of the 8,773 players entered in the Main Event, 270 were women, representing 3.08% of the field. That means approximately every 33rd player is a woman. Or, to put it another way, every three or four tables would include just one woman.

    When I was covering major tournaments for Card Player, I would often count the number of women in the starting field, and the results always showed the same percentages. Whether it was a large field (600+) or a small one (100-150), only 2.5-3% of the entrants were women.

    So the percentage of women in tournament Sihoki has been fairly steady. Of course, right now the word “steady” in poker translates to “explosive growth.”

    Railbird of the Day

    With the field thinning and the media members rising, it’s getting a little crowded in the narrow spaces between tourney tables. I do my best to keep an eye out for the photographers and TV cameras that are making their way around, so I can quickly step out of the way and not cause trouble. I think I do a fair job of it, but today I got my first complaint.

    Double Trouble

    Bloggers Ryan (far right) and Tuscaloosa Johnny (far left) are now improbably seated at the same table. Johnny is in the 2 seat at table 143 with 118K in chips and Ryan is in the 5 seat with around 35K. They’ll be playing for one more half-level before calling it a night.

    Authors Score in 2006 WSOP

    There was a time when people would needle some of poker’s more prevalent writers about putting their tournament money where their pens were. If this WSOP is any indication, forum posters will have to find something else to rant about.

    Mike Caro (pictured), known for his Book of Tells, and David Sklansky, best known for his Theory of Poker, played a number of events this year.

    Caro, the self-proclaimed “Mad Genius of Poker,” demonstrated his diversity by cashing four times this year in four different games; a limit shootout, NLHE, stud, and Omaha hi/lo. Sklansky cashed in three events; stud, stud hi/lo, and NLHE.

    John Vorhaus of Killer Poker fame, made the final table of the Seniors Event.

    Of course Matthew Hilger has had a great WSOP record the last two years. The author of Internet Texas Hold’em: Strategies of a Winning Pro cashed in both the 2004 and 2005 Main events. And this year he cashed in a limit event and a pot limit event.

    Player Profile: Jennifer Hopkins

    Jennifer Hopkins is still going strong in her first WSOP event. The PartyPoker qualifier from Springfield, IL said her tournament has had its ups and downs.

    “But that’s any game,” she said. “I just take it one day at a time.”

    Jennifer has about $20,000 in Day 2. Way to represent the ladies Miss Pink.


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